Nature self-portraits can be both fun and beneficial. They are a great way to develop self-awareness, introspection, identity, and observation skills. Nature self-portraits also allow children to experiment with natural materials while creating a work of art where they are both the subject and the artist.
Here’s what you need:
Various nature items
Scissors (optional)
Step 1:
Encourage children to collect nature items that they can use for various facial features and identifying characteristics (hair, ears, nose, mouth, glasses, freckles, etc.). This could include leaves, grass, flowers, seeds, flowers, and any other items children want to try.

Step 2:
On a large sheet of cardstock, lightly draw the outline of a face, or choose a Melissa & Doug Make-a-Face paper with the desired skin tone.

Step 3:
Encourage children to arrange the nature items on the card stock/paper to create a self-portrait.
Have a mirror available for children to look into and compare to the portrait they are creating. Is there anything missing? Anything that needs to be adjusted?

Step 4:
Once their self-portrait looks complete, glue the nature items to the card stock/paper and let them dry completely.
Tip: Large or bulky nature items will need more glue and take longer to dry.

The adults at TerraTime enjoy participating in this activity too!
If you enjoyed this activity, you will want to check out Nature Wanted Posters here >>>